Curriculum Features
Inquiry-Driven, Hands-On, Data-Informed
In support of the integrated science and junior secondary level science curricula, we offer relevant hands-on activities that enable students to apply their acquired knowledge. This approach not only deepens students’ comprehension of scientific concepts, but also nurtures their inquiry skills, design thinking abilities, and data analysis capabilities.
Integrate the two models for implementing STEAM educational learning activities recommended by the Education Bureau:
- Learning activities based on topics in one learning area allow students to integrate learning elements related to other learning areas.
- Allow students to integrate relevant learning elements in different learning areas through project learning.
1. Subject Learning – Data Analysis
Students conduct data processing learning activities related to junior integrated science. Through exercises such as scientific measurement, analyzing data, presenting data in the form of charts, and making inferences based on evidence, students can develop various data-processing abilities, which are helpful for the learning of senior secondary subjects such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics.

Student work: Calculate the carbon emissions generated by electricity use per person per month
2. Project-Based Learning
Integrating the “Engineering Design Process” framework from the Education Bureau and the “Design Thinking” framework, Hong Kong True Light College launches its own unique project-based learning curriculum framework called “DTP X DTP”.

We emphasize students' learning of inquiry and analytical skills throughout the engineering design process. We also focus on cultivating students' empathy, in order to create user-centric products.
Life-wide Learning
1. Smart Hydroponic Machine Nurturing Programme
Through using the hydroponic machine, students can explore the effects of different environmental conditions on the growth of plants. After observation and data recording, students can analyze the growth of plants under various conditions. In addition to letting students understand the application of technology in agriculture, they can also experience the planting process. While enabling students to master valuable planting knowledge, it also cultivates a sense of responsibility and cooperative spirit among students.
2. Cell Pizza
STEAM cooperates with the Department of Biology and Home Economics to hold a cell pizza making activity. Students can use the Food Nutrition Finder provided by the Center for Food Safety to collect data on the nutritional content of food ingredients to explore topics such as healthy eating and cell structure.

The students worked together to make cell pizza, discussing how to assemble the ingredients to resemble the shape of cells.

Students’ creations
3. Hands-On Activities
STEAM encourages students to make different creations by reusing waste materials around them to make useful products. Not only does this give waste a second life and raise awareness of environmental protection for students, but it also brings out their artistic creativity and enhances their handicraft skills.

The students manufactured X-zylo sports equipment under teacher’s guidance.
4. Primary School Carnival STEAM Booth
Visiting the elementary school allowed students to gain valuable hands-on experience through sharing knowledge with others. At the event, the students were able to explain their STEAM projects to elementary students, which provided valuable opportunities to put learning and teaching into practice, helping to reinforce their knowledge. At the same time, it could also cultivate the students’ self-awareness and character.

Students and teachers visited an elementary school to set up STEAM booths, promoting STEAM education.
5. STEAM Student Competition 2023

The students collected information about Pied Avocet and designed an intelligent bird nest with functions for conservation and network security. They were awarded the First Runner-up Prize in the competition of secondary school group with their entry on the intelligent Pied Avocet bird nest.
External Collaborations
1. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Participate in the Hands-on Toxicology Science: STEM Education Anti-drugs Programme promoted by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Innovation Science Center. Through various workshops, it integrates STEM knowledge and anti-drug education to teach students the correct values.

2. School-based STEAM Support Services organized by The Education University of Hong Kong
Our school participated the “STEAM Education with Self-directed and Progressive Learning of Engineering Design Process for Problem-solving” programme promoted by the Department of Science and Environmental Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong to enhance teachers’ professional knowledge in curriculum, lesson planning, STEAM learning assessment, and STEAM teaching tools.