Curriculum Features
Geography as a subject enables students to explore and understand the relationship between human beings and the Earth through the study of space, place and environment. Geography forms a bridge between the social sciences and the physical sciences, providing an understanding of the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies on the one hand, and those of physical landscapes and environmental processes on the other.
3I Learning Concepts
Geography of our school has introduced ‘3I’ learning concepts. ‘3I’ stands for Issue-based Learning, Inquiry-based Learning and Inductive Learning. These learning concepts enhance a student-centred learning process. During lesson teaching, the teacher plays the role of a learning facilitator. He asks questions step by step to lead students to inquire the issues inductively. Students study Geography in the forms of issues. For junior forms, there are five issues: Using urban space wisely, Taming the sand, Changing climate, changing environments, Oceans in trouble, and Living with natural hazards. For senior forms, there are seven core issues and two elective issues that are Dynamic earth and A regional study of the Zhujiang Delta. All issues in junior and senior forms cover local, regional and global issues.
News Cuttings and Project-Based Learning
S1 and S2 students carry out a news cutting to collect the relevant data about the issue learned each academic year and then present the news in the class. S3 students are divided into groups for a group project about the issue of ocean problems.
We emphasize the importance of reading. There is an extra reading worksheet for each issue to enhance students’ understanding the relevant knowledge of that issue.
Life-wide Learning
The knowledge and theories in Geography are closely related to the world outside the school. The Department of Geography hence organize a variety of filed work activities each year. Students can verify what they have learnt from the textbooks via observing different natural and urban landscapes.
The following are examples of the field work activities in recent years:

External Collaborations
We encourage students to participate in different activities and competitions organized by outside organizations to develop their potentials. For example, this year, we have three S5 students jointed the Green Power’s ‘4th Hong Kong Secondary School Students’ Knowledge of Environmental Pollution Online Quiz Competition’, and four S4 students jointed the Polar Museum Foundation’s ‘BOCHK Biodiversity Ambassador Training Programme’.
Besides, the Department of Geography organized exhibitions and talks with outside organizations such as cooperated with the Geotechnical Engineering Office to run an exhibition about landslides in Hong Kong (2021), worked with the Stephen Hui Geological Museum of the University of Hong Kong to run an exhibition about rocks (2024), and invited Hong Kong Observatory to give a talk about climate change to students (2024), etc.

Cooperated with the Geotechnical Engineering Office to run an exhibition about landslides in Hong Kong (2021)

Worked with the Stephen Hui Geological Museum of the University of Hong Kong to run an exhibition about rocks (2024)

Invited Hong Kong Observatory to give a talk about climate change to students (2024)