Curriculum Features
Our subject provides students with various opportunities to explore different scientific concepts and utilize different scientific methods to solve real-life problems. Through experiments and classroom activities, students are encouraged to engage in in-depth discussions both inside and outside the classroom, fostering an inquisitive mindset and enhancing their deep thinking skills.

The students were testing the filtration efficiency of the filtration columns they have made in order to understand the effectiveness of their columns in filtering impurities.

The students applied their knowledge related to heat transfer and hands-on skills to create an egg incubator.
Our subject adopts English as the medium of instruction and emphasizes the development of students’ understanding and application of scientific language. It aims to enhance students’ communication skills, enabling them to express their ideas effectively. By learning science, students not only gain knowledge of its practical applications in daily life, but also learn to respect our lives and treasure resources on Earth. Additionally, they can have the opportunity to increase their exposure to the English language, benefiting them in multiple ways.

Through the dissection activity, students identify different parts of an eye and learn their names.
Life-wide Learning
Our subject provides diverse learning activities to cater for different students, aiming to enhance their learning interest and allow students to apply knowledge beyond the classroom.
In terms of activities organized for the whole form, Form 1 students have been arranged to visit the science museum, where they can learn about the scientific principles behind various exhibits and displays. Teachers have also organized a visit to the space museum for all Form 2 students to supplement our teaching of the topic “Force and Motion”.

Visit to the Hong Kong Science Museum by our Form 1 students

Visit to the Hong Kong Space Museum by our Form 2 students
In addition to whole-form activities, teachers also nominate suitable students to participate in various types of extra-curricular activities organized by external organizations, aiming to broaden their horizons.

Students participated in the Rotary Carbon Reduction Video Competition to produce videos related to environmental protection and the reduction of carbon footprint.

Students participated in the Insect Hotel activity organized by OWLHK to learn more about insects and the importance of insect pollinators ecosystem services in Hong Kong.

Form 1 and 2 students were nominated to participate in the activities of the Bioblitz series.
External Collaborations
In the 2024-25 academic year, our subject participated in the school-based support programme offered by the Education Bureau. Professors from the University of Hong Kong were invited to support the program’s teachers in designing curriculum materials to enhance teaching science in the English medium. Our subject teachers have also proactively participated in professional development courses organized by the Education Bureau, equipping ourselves to provide the highest quality of teaching for the students.