
本校3D申宜同學順利完成比賽並榮獲菁英銅獎,成果令人鼓舞。 ...
本校於2021年4月23日邀請香港中文大學數學系李俊捷博士為中二及中三學生舉辦「解方程」的講座。 ...
為了提升學生對數學的興趣,拓闊其學習視野,本校於2021年2月份至3月份舉辦了為期五天的「代數延伸學習工作坊」,並邀請了香港中文大學數學系Prof. Michael McBreen作為導師。 ...
SCOLAR Becoming a Detective workshop
Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes has been the classical icon in detective stories. To learn about the literary elements in short stories, a gro...
S2 Shakespeare drama workshop: All the world’s a Stage
On 12 March 2021, all of the S2 students had the opportunity to appreciate the works of the greatest playwright, William Shakespeare, by immersing ...
S1 Poetry Planet
On 9 November 2020, all of the S1 students enjoyed a spectacular performance, Poetry Planet, staged by a professional drama crew. The drama taught ...
S4 Drama appreciation: Comedy of Mistakes
On 10 March 2021, all S4 students went to watch an extraordinary adaptation of Sherlock Holmes’ The Speckled Band entitled Comedy of Mistakes at Sa...
Third Time’s the Charm
Whereas this title normally means that it takes three times to succeed, our Form 3 debate team has claimed victory for the third time in a row. On ...
Champion in Debating (HKSSDC) 20-21
Being undefeated against different schools, Hong Kong True Light College English Debating Team 1 (senior) has finally been crowned as the champion ...