To Learn from Experience at CUHK: Interschool English Oral Group Discussion

On 15th October, a group of four S6 students had been invited to an English oral group discussion in the Teachers' Festival held by the Society of Language Education from Chinese University of Hong Kong. In the session, the candidates had a mock oral discussion with students from other local schools on a topic about generating electricity by human motion. Subsequently, we had a brief talk about the skills for oral discussion and a certificate was issued to us.


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To Learn from Experience: Teachers' Festival held at Chinese University of Hong Kong


Throughout the participation, I have noticed my strengths and weaknesses, as well as the actual situation when having a group discussion. The markers from CUHK in our group have given me valuable feedback, like pointing out that our group did not show the “interaction” but tended to be more like individual presentation of ideas. Besides, I was given some encouragement such as staying composed when someone was trying to interrupt my speech.

Overall, it is definitely a precious opportunity for me to learn more about the skills and myself.

Anna Chan Jour Yain, 6A


I think the oral group practice was a great experience that allows me to see how I would perform with other strangers and to know what my English level is at compared to others. I was slightly taken aback as the question was a little bit hard as I was not very familiar with the topic, which is about generating electricity with human motion. But I have learned to stay calm, as I was not the only one who was not familiar with the topic - one candidate even misunderstood the topic! The CUHK marker then pointed out each of our problems and shared some skills on how to perform better. I also look around the CUHK campus for a bit and I love the vibe. It was such a rewarding experience!


Sally Po Tsoi Nam, 6E


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(left to right) 6A Nicole Chan, 6A Anna Chan, 6E Sally Po and 6E Coco Wong joined the Teachers’ Festival at CUHK on 15th October 2022