Girls4Girls Coding+ Summer Camp

本校23位中二級學生於7月27日參與了由Jennifer Yu Cheng Girl Impact Foundation 舉辦的 "10,000 Girls4Girls Coding+ Summer Camp for Future Ready Leaders 2022"。當天活動於香港科學園進行,共分作兩部份。同學首先學習簡單Python編程概念,再利用所學將兩張不同照片作Face Swapping(換面)。同學於過程中了解到編程並非如想像中的沉悶,亦體驗到其於另一範疇上的應用。 活動下半部份,同學有機會到「商湯科技」總部參觀。「商湯科技」為本港上市公市,主要從事人工智能(AI)軟件研發和應用。同學在工作人員講解及試用其產品當中認識到AI在商業及現實生活上的實際應用,拓闊同學眼界,一窺未來智能世界下的運作。


2A08 Lydia Chow

The coding camp was an epic experience for me.  During the camp, they taught to use coding to initiate a face swapping program. We uploaded the photos of people that we had prepared and through the program it combined their faces together. It was amazing that you can combine your face and other's face to see how it looks . There were also some games there for us to experience the power of coding. There were robots playing football and we could control their movements .It has a motion sensor which is basically a camera which can detect  any nearby balls to catch. Overall, it is worth spending time in the camp.