

本校學生於「2020/21年度香港學校戲劇節」獲獎 [......]

本校學生於「eRead Scheme STEM 閱讀分享比賽」獲獎

本校學生於「eRead Scheme STEM 閱讀分享比賽」獲獎 [......]


本校有幸躋身最高分之十所中學之一,獲頒發「最傑出參與學校獎項」獎杯乙隻。 [......]


本校3A楊芷欣同學於二月參加香港音樂傳藝協會舉辦的「2021齊心抗疫全港中學校際硬筆書法比賽」,最終獲得中三級冠軍。 [......]


本校3D申宜同學順利完成比賽並榮獲菁英銅獎,成果令人鼓舞。 [......]


本校連續多年獲得社會福利署(義工運動)頒發「10000小時義工服務獎」,以表揚本校積極參與義務工作。 [......]


香港區傑出家校義工獎期望表揚一眾默默為學校付出的教師、家長及學生義工 ,提升大眾對義務工作的認識,宣揚熱心助人的服務精神,促進義務工作的持 續和發展,攜手共建和諧、共融、關愛的家校關係。 [......]

Third Time’s the Charm

Whereas this title normally means that it takes three times to succeed, our Form 3 debate team has claimed victory for the third time in a row. On the 17th March, a heated debate took place on the topic of megacities. Our team were to support the rise of cities with a population of over 10 million people. 3A Kary Ching kicked the team off, followed by 3B Chiara Pang, who claimed the prize as best speaker. Finally, 3A Denise Fung closed our team’s case with finesse and poise. Having worked for several months, the culmination of their effort amounted in a resounding success and a third win to put under their belt. Three victories in a row means our team will be proceeding to the Grand Final for the first time in True Light history. Let’s see if they can claim the last trophy.

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Form 3 Debate Team and the Team Coach Mr. Hedley

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Our debaters: (from right to left) 1st Speaker 3A Kary Ching; 2nd Speaker 3B Chiara Pang and 3rd Speaker 3A Denise Fung

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Our students worked as the Chairperson and Timekeeper for the competition


本校同學於本屆校際朗誦節表現優秀。 [......]

Champion in Debating (HKSSDC) 20-21

Being undefeated against different schools, Hong Kong True Light College English Debating Team 1 (senior) has finally been crowned as the champion of 2020-21 Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition (Div II) (Kowloon & HK) in Term 1. On 26 Feb 2021, the team, comprising all S4 students, including 4A Tina Cheung (the first speaker), 4A Anna Chan (the second speaker) and 4A Nicole Chan (the third speaker), spoke as the Negative House on the motion ‘the House supports the use of tiger parenting techniques’ against Tack Ching Girl’s Secondary School. The Finals match was intense and it was a neck-and-neck game. Eventually the adjudicator was more convinced by the solid evidence and research findings presented by our team and declared us the winner.

Despite the pandemic that forces all debates to go online, it has been a fantastic year for our school with victories for all of our three teams (S1-2, S3, and S4-S5). The senior team (Team I) has concluded term 1 with the champion title; while the S3 junior team (Team II) has also secured their spot in the HKSSDC Finals, which will take place in term 2. We look forward to another exciting contest for Team II in their Finals!


English Debating Team I, Nicole Chan (4A), Tina Cheung (4A) and Anna Chan (4A) with their coach, Ms Yeung, won in the Finals of Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition (Kowloon & HK).

I can’t believe our team can do that well considering our little experience in debating! I appreciate my teammates much for all research efforts, practice and mock debates. It is a good experience for me to understand how important dealing with pressure is. I would like to give my huge gratitude to my teacher advisor, Ms Yeung, and my peers!

Nicole Chan, 4A



Online debating has been a new challenge for our debaters.


Debating is not only about speaking, but also research, attentive listening, and teamwork.